Net-net definition: (of an outcome ) with no possibility of further revision | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Need the translation of "Netto" in English but even don't know the meaning? netto translated to English. TRANSLATION. Afrikaans. netto. English. net. NETTO
(pulito) clean. 2. (chiaro, contorni, immagine) clear ⧫ sharp ⧫ clear-cut. (deciso, rifiuto, vittoria) clear ⧫ definite. la squadra ha riportato una netta vittoria the team won a clear victory. tagliare qc di netto to cut sth clean off. net adjective.
net. fånga med ; förtjäna i netto. nettable. som man kan Translation and Meaning of net in Almaany English-Swedish Dictionary. net.
a supermarket where the most expensive item is the bags. where jamie shops at
Europe, ensuring additional growth in Netto across the countries as the Netto meaning that our activities in the Salling department stores are now a fully 16. 82.
Net-zero strategy for 2050 means speeding up emissions reduction by 2030; Transition is also an opportunity for industry, jobs and growth
30 tage netto. English. 30 days net. Last Update: 2018-02-13. Usage Frequency: 2.
fånga med ; förtjäna i netto. net abuse. nätmissbruk , missbruk av Internet ; att
försäljning under självkostnadspris": en rabatt som består av en detaljhandlares försäljning av en produkt eller tjänst under det nettopris som fakturerats honom
Many translated example sentences containing "net fee" – Swedish-English Intäkterna omfattar nettovinsten på stödets rörelseverksamhet (dvs. intäkter av
Nettoomsättning: När det gäller beskattningsbara personer som omfattas av (ii) a net turnover, within the meaning of Fourth Council Directive 78/660/EEC of
netto English Meaning Translation Tradução de significado Swedish netto Translate Traduzir & answer the question, "What is the Meaning of - Meaning in Swedish / in english Means Mean Word Words Swedish of English of 1, netto · Net
Contextual translation of "10 dagar netto" into English. Human translations with examples: 10, 14 m on, 10 days, (for 10 days), week (10 days), 500 q12h, 10
Many translation examples sorted by field of activity containing “nettoposition” Net position of employee and self-employed person towards public budgets. Många översatta exempelmeningar innehåller "net of discount" Internräntan är 7,5 %, nettonuvärdet (med ett diskonto på 6 %) 1 092 miljoner spanska basis of assessment must be interpreted as meaning that the 'total amount to be paid
Vad är Nettolön? Net salary.
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I come from eastern Europe and a lot of people western countries use Brutto income numbers when speaking about their salaries. I mean, net amount is what
Need the translation of "Netto" in English but even don't know the meaning? netto translated to English.
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net income, net profit, nettovinst (vinst efter skatt). net interest income (NII) Definition & Meaning … who spent his entire 15-year career with the New York As of 2020, Michael Strahan's net worth is estimated to be $65 Million.Dec 8 Vid beräkningen av nettokostnaderna borde här också hänsyn tas till den så kallade pay or play -taktiken. EnglishIn calculating the net costs, account should Minimised short-term external financing: Your available liquidity is fully accessible meaning you can improve net interest and reduce the need for external Netter definition and meaning.
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employee in Poland. The easy conversion between brutto↔netto (tax↔no tax earnings). PLN gross. After deducting taxes and other levies you take home 2 202.72 PLN net. What is the meaning of each calculator field ?#. Year of work
Brutto (gross) salary is best defined as the sum of salary before the deduction of tax and insurance (s). Netto (net) salary is the result of initial pay including tax and other sorts of deductions made. These deductions depend on local/national legislation where employees are required to pay certain amounts of tax to the government. Se hela listan på Netto. Netto is a Danish discount supermarket operating in several European countries. Netto is owned by Dansk Supermarked Group, which in turn is partly owned by A.P. Møller-Mærsk Group.
The easy conversion between brutto↔netto (tax↔no tax earnings). PLN gross. After deducting taxes and other levies you take home 2 202.72 PLN net. What is the meaning of each calculator field ?#. Year of work 2 May 2017 a car in Europe (Germany, Poland) | Дешевше a car for which the cost consists of two prices of NETTO and BRUTTO, Find what's the translation meaning for word net income in afrikaans?
Mopo, 23 January 2019 "Der Schweizer Lebensmittelkonzern Nestle will seine Treibhausgasemissionen bis 2050 auf netto null zurückfahren. Tag24, 12 September 2019 "Die Netto-Gold-Exporte der USA beliefen sich im vergangenen August auf … netto translation in Polish-English dictionary. en The Commission, having reiterated that the amount of the compensation had to include all the advantages granted by the State or through state resources in any form whatsoever, took account in the calculation of the compensation not only of the net cost of collecting the deposits centralised with the CDC, but also of the net result (cost or net result definition: 1.