It fires the same 7.62x39 mm as the AK-47 for backward compatibility. However, the design was much revised and enhanced from the original AK-47 to allow it to be mass-produced. The Soviets acquired modern mass production technologies from captured German engineers (including Hugo Schmeisser, the designer of the StG-44) and used those on the AKM.
Today we take a look at the legend that the AK-47 is a direct copy of the STG-44.Check out SimpliSafe here: SimpliSafe
man kann keine Magazine des jeweils anderen Gewehrs verwenden) sowie Montage- und Demontageschemas. StG 44 vs AK-47 Post by Slater » 07 Sep 2002, 14:23 If one looks at the German StG-44 (MP-44) assault rifle placed next to a Russian AK-47, the resemblance is (to me, anyway) somewhat striking. The StG-44 and M1 Carbine both have claimed effective ranges of about 300 meters. The StG-44 has a better projectile, ballistically speaking (spitzer bullet at higher velocity), but a shorter barrel and shorter sight radius than the carbine. Overall, just looking at the statistics for the weapons, I would say the StG-44 is superior.
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The StG in service features a thread protector, while the AK 47 series is fitted with a simple “sugar scoop” compensator.
The StG 44 rifle, with its hooded sight post, pistol grip, and thirty round "banana" magazine bears a strong resemblance to the AK-47. Both utilize a gas piston system, which uses hot gunpowder
Stg. 44 Sturmgewehr / MP-43 / MP-44 Schmeisser. All texts are Stg.44 Vs. AK 47:. The StG 44 (Sturmgewehr 44, literally "storm [or assault] rifle [model of 19]44") The AK-47 was not a direct copy of the German gun as it used a very different AK-47 Versus MP44 The “new” automatic rifle was named after him and known as the AK -47, Avtomat Kalashnikova of 1947; it entered production in 1948. Mar 28, 2020 STG44 has different main spring, different trigger assembly, bolt is tilting while AK has rotating bolt and so on.
During our semi auto firing, everyone said that the StG had a softer recoil than the AK. This raises a point I’ve been arguing for years. They both remind me of Tanya, but it’s probably the smile you’re looking at. The difference the steel (and their superior zinc coating techniques) made in the resulting stampings (and resistance welding) was phenomenal. If we look at the change
2015-03-13 · One is marked StG 44 and the other MP 44. The Kalashnikov tested was a Chinese made Norinco AKM-47S stamped receiver gun, converted to selective fire by Jonathan Arthur Ciener. To get an independent, “outside” so-to-speak, set of evaluators in on this, John and I asked our friend Ray and his two sons to help us.
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This is NoAds version. This game is a gun simulation wich allows you to assemble and disassemble (also know as field stripping) several firearms from different
specialiserad på helautomatiska eldhandvapen. Han är känd för att ha skapat världens första automatkarbin Stg44, som kom att leda till utvecklingen av AK47
De sade att namnet säger att AK-47 inte finns (men vi kommer att använda det här Vi kan säkert säga att Sturmgewehr Stg. 44 påverkade alla attackgevär och
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except the STG-44 is a striker fired design and the AK uses a hammer. The STG-44 is more similar to the VZ-58 rifle that the Czech's use. I think Kalashnikov was influenced by the profile of the rifle and the durability of the magazines, but decided to produce a simpler design. I think we can agree on SOME common design features of the STG44 and AK47 being the pistol grip, intermediate cartridge, sight location, selective fire, curved magazine, and lower bore axis from line of signt. Externally, they resemble each other.
Kalašnikov-sarjan nykyinen virallinen valmistaja on Ižmaš Iževskissä.. Kalašnikovin perusrakenteeseen perustuu myös RPK-pikakivääri. It fires the same 7.62x39 mm as the AK-47 for backward compatibility. However, the design was much revised and enhanced from the original AK-47 to allow it to be mass-produced.
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AK-47 Versus MP44 The “new” automatic rifle was named after him and known as the AK -47, Avtomat Kalashnikova of 1947; it entered production in 1948.
I think we can agree on SOME common design features of the STG44 and AK47 being the pistol grip, intermediate cartridge, sight location, selective fire, curved magazine, and lower bore axis from line of signt. Externally, they resemble each other. Internally, not so much, but the CONCEPT of purpose and use is the same.
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The StG-44 is mostly right handed friendly, including the fire selector/safety and charging handle. The StG-44 has a dust cover much like the M16 has. Again, the M16 is mostly a direct copy of the StG-44. rate of fire - the AK-47 has a sustain rate of fire of 600rpm while the StG-44 has a sustain rate of fire of 500rpm much like the MP-40.
Sep 27, 2018 Reviews written by the students of the English specialty class.
The 7.62x39 round is more powerful. The AK-47 is an all around much better gun.
That means that it shot an round that was bigger than a sub-machine gun, but smaller than a large rifle round. The purpose for this was to get the punch of a When people see the AK-47 and the StG-44 side by side an know nothing about their internal mechanisms, the nearly universal assumption is that one is a copy of the other. The overall layout of the two rifles is strikingly similar, and one would reasonably make the assumption that Kalashnikov got his hands on a captured StG and simply rebuilt it in 7.62×39. I think we can agree on SOME common design features of the STG44 and AK47 being the pistol grip, intermediate cartridge, sight location, selective fire, curved magazine, and lower bore axis from line of signt. Externally, they resemble each other. Internally, not so much, but the CONCEPT of purpose and use is the same.