fiskaly is providing a unified fiscalization API to the Austrian and German markets with a strong vision to become the API-provider for whole Europe. Aug. 12, 2020, 1:14 p.m. Fintastico Team Ask a question.


Production release: fiskaly SCU#. In close collaboration with our partners, we've released the fiskaly SCU to production. To fulfill the legal requirements, we followed fiskaly's advice and added the informational phrase "TSE in Evaluierung" ("TSE in evaluation") into the newly added certification identification signature item (see below).

Most resources in our API (e.g. Cash Register) include a metadata property, that can be used to attach and store additional, structured … API description of DSFinV-K API. Subscribe to the Dev-Newsletter. Subscribe The API key of the mana­ged orga­niz­a­ti­on is crea­ted via the main orga­ni­sa­ti­on. The bil­ling option was set to With­hold Bil­ling, becau­se the price of the fis­ka­ly Cloud TSS is inclu­ded in the total invoice of the POS manu­fac­tu­rer to its customer. 2. fiskaly is a cloud-based, tamper-proof fiscal service for electronic recording and archiving of business transactions. The fiskaly Sign API allows developers to initialize and manage a Technical Security System, manage transactions and their life cycle, manage clients, and perform data export.

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In Deutsch­land, Öster­reich und Europa. Wei­te­re Partner . Wir fis­ka­li­sie­ren Ihre Aufzeichnungen. Fiskaly TSE - Enter the TSS ID, API key and the "Secret" key. One can obtain them for testing purposes from the official fiskaly website and fiskaly dashboard. Alternatively, you can purchase a free trial Fiskaly TSE in our sandbox portal shop. This will automatically create a SCU with the corresponding data for you.

The fiskaly Sign API allows developers to initialize and manage a Technical Security System, manage transactions and their life cycle, manage clients, and perform data export. The fiskaly SDK includes an HTTP client that is needed 1 for accessing the API that implements a cloud-based, virtual CTSS (Certified Technical Security System) / TSE (Technische Sicherheitseinrichtung) as defined by the German KassenSichV (Kassen­sich­er­ungsver­ord­nung).

fiskaly Status Page DSFinV-K API initial Release Resolved DSFinV-K API Under Maintenance Jul 21, 18:30 UTC The initial release of

3. Anmeldung von PoS <> TSE (1:1 vs 1:n).

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Fiskaly api

API & Data model offe­red by fiskaly Die ope­ra­ti­ve Umset­zung der Kas­sen­si­che­rungs­ver­ord­nung wird vor allem Ent­wick­ler betref­fen. Wir machen es den Umset­zern ein­fach und werden unser Daten­mo­dell und die Schnitt­stel­le open source zur Ver­fü­gung stellen. Erfah­ren Sie mehr auf KassenSichV API. Operational.

Fiskaly api

The fis­ka­ly team is espe­ci­al­ly happy to give you an update on the API today!
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Part­ners­hip of fis­ka­ly GmbH with EFSTA: effi­ci­ent and cost-effec­ti­ve imple­men­ta­ti­on of Kassensicherungsverordnung From Octo­ber 2020, cash regis­ter sys­tems must be adap­ted in accordance with the Kas­sen­si­che­rungs­ver­ord­nung.

Packages. People 14. API & Data model offe­red by fiskaly Die ope­ra­ti­ve Umset­zung der Kas­sen­si­che­rungs­ver­ord­nung wird vor allem Ent­wick­ler betref­fen.
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Related APIs fiskaly Sign REST API v1.0. Related Platform / Languages Swift. Categories Business, Transactions. Added May 20, 2020. SDK Provider fiskaly. Verified. We've verified that the organization fiskaly controls the domain:

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Our Kas­sen­SichV API is ready for you! Test the fis­ka­ly tech­ni­cal secu­ri­ty system now and be ready for the KassenSichV. The fis­ka­ly TSS for the KassenSichV fis­ka­ly is your part­ner for fis­ka­liz­a­ti­on in Ger­ma­ny and Europe.

Mit dem fiskaly Dashboard können Sie alle Funktionen des fiskaly Systems einfach anwenden. Über die Management API können Sie auch alle Funktionen des Dashboards programmatisch lösen.

A secure fiscal record is automatically sent to fiskaly, an external TSE. fiskaly records the data and cryptographically signs it. fiskaly sends that signature data back to Mews, and Mews adds it to the bottom of the bill or invoice. Step 1: Set up your fiskaly account . You’ll need to request an invite to your fiskaly dashboard:

fis­ka­ly offers a cloud-based TSE that is alrea­dy in the cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on pro­cess and can be instal­led in time by 31 March 2021. With three simp­le steps, you can extend the dead­line until 31 March 2021: Acqui­re fis­ka­ly SIGN by signing a contract inte­gra­te fis­ka­ly SIGN API Part­ners­hip of fis­ka­ly GmbH with EFSTA: effi­ci­ent and cost-effec­ti­ve imple­men­ta­ti­on of Kassensicherungsverordnung From Octo­ber 2020, cash regis­ter sys­tems must be adap­ted in accordance with the Kas­sen­si­che­rungs­ver­ord­nung. Howe­ver, the regu­la­ti­ons and chal­len­ges asso­cia­ted with this will create hurd­les for many com­pa­nies. Com fiskaly Status Page DSFinV-K API initial Release Resolved DSFinV-K API Under Maintenance Jul 21, 18:30 UTC The initial release of our DSFinV-K API will be deployed! Production release: fiskaly SCU#. In close collaboration with our partners, we've released the fiskaly SCU to production. To fulfill the legal requirements, we followed fiskaly's advice and added the informational phrase "TSE in Evaluierung" ("TSE in evaluation") into the newly added certification identification signature item (see below).

Cash Register) include a metadata property, that can be used to attach and store additional, structured … API description of DSFinV-K API. Subscribe to the Dev-Newsletter.